Round 1 (Mon, March 17)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.
Confirmed Players (134)
Baltzer, Brian
Bartow, Jackson
Beatty, Glenn
Bianchini, Isaac
Bomar, Chase
Bonanno, Sabrina
Boone, Wesley
Bowen, Steve
Bowen, Steve.
Brautigam, Andrew
Caballero, John
Campbell, Daniel
Cassidy, John
Cation, Grant
Cole, Kevin
Coombs, Kevin
Corder, Gordon
Corder, Gordon.
Corder, Gordon..
Cox, Travis
Davila Castillo, Carlos
Davila Castillo, Karina
DeGree, Carrie
Dixon, Brandon
Dixon, Brandon.
Dorau, Bradley
Doxsie, Doug
Eaton, Brett
Elzie, Brad
Emery, Zach
Eneroth, Amy
Englehorn, Adam
Englehorn, Adam..
Erdmann, Scott
Feenstra, Tim
Fife, Cameron
Freitas, John
Fribley, Chad
Geer, Marcus
Geer, Marcus.
Gravatt, Justin
Griffin, Chris
Griffin, Sara
Grothe, John
Grothe, John.
Gullikson, Davis
Haack, Mike
Haack, Mike.
Haban, James
Hall, Isaac
Hawley, Damian
Hetterle, Carl
Hidalgo, Hunter
Hiebing, Trevor
Holladay, Jordan
Honeyman, Kevin
Hooper, Kelly
Huff, Nicholas
Huskisson, Travis
Hval, Tim
Kawasoe, Carson
Kawasoe, John
Koch, Mason
Kragt, Jeffrey
Kukula, Blake
Lebeck, David
Leritz, Scott
Leritz, Scott.
Leritz, Scott..
Lis, Kyuss
Martin, Mason
McCaslin, Nick
McCaslin, Nick..
McClellan, Jessica
McDougall, Tyler
McLeod, Lucas
Mettille, Erik
Moran, Connor
Mortensen, Hayley
Mullins, Cody
Nelson, Ben
Netter, Blake
Odden, Tyson
Olson, Cody
Olson, Luke
Olson, Tim
Ott, Jeffrey
Pajutee, Nathan
Perrone, Vincent
Porter, Daniel
Porter, Taylor
Prante, Shane
Prante, Shane.
Prante, Shane..
Rocheleau, Noah
Rogers, Adam
Rose, Steven
Runge, Mitch
Russo, Paul
Russo, Paul.
Salisbury, Michael
Sargent, Raymond
Schaeffer, Jim
Schweitzer, Brian
Sennett, Logan
Sharp, Brady
Shepherd, Dan
Siesser, Derek
Siesser, Derek..
Simons, Maggie
Slemp, Adam
Smith, David
Smith, Sam
Speck, Evan
Sweeney, Paul
Sweet, Tyler
Terry, Chris
Thompson, Scott
Thorman, Dane
Thorman, Dane.
Thornton, Brian
Thornton, Brian.
Underwood, Anton
Vancil, Steven
Vickers, Nathan
Walther, Nicolaus
Ward, Nicole
Westphal, Austin
Whealdon, Jack
Wilkins, Tony
Williams, Steven
Williams, Steven.
Wolff, Christian
Young, Ryan